Acceptance helps you a lead a positive life

Usually, people tend to find it easy to establish a level of acceptance on what they can change but have difficulty in accepting what they can’t change.

One beautiful and amazing way to lead a positive life is accepting the numerous changes that occur in your life, accepting things the way they are. When you are able to accept things in life, including you and other people, you find a way to take charge. When you’re in command, it helps you to see how you are able to improve your personal life. When you learn to accept you’ll learn to discover you. There are few better things you can do for yourself than giving up on the fictional version of your life and learning to accept yourself, your life, and your reality. Even if your situation is terrible, the first step in improving it is acknowledging it for what it is.

Many individuals in the world believe that when we act the same way at all times, we have instituted our identity. Politically incorrect! We have emotions, thoughts, behaviours, actions, and have been infested by a world of influences both great and foul. Every day we will feel something new, which causes our personality to reflect these modifications. We live in a world that desensitizes us. We’re surrounded by trillions of influences on TV, in the media, on radio, in homes, government, schools etc. Each to their own, but everybody is judging somebody at some time, which is something we have to accept. We can’t alter these people’s behaviours and way of thinking, but we may change ours. This is a component of learning and accepting.

Acceptance doesn’t mean to condone evil. Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning hurtful, wicked, and abusive behaviour. Acceptance releases the power that your life circumstances have over you. When things don’t go your way, you don’t become paralyzed by negative emotions such as anger, fear, resentment, or regret. As such, you learn how to handle any life-challenging obstacles that show its face, you learn how to deal with people and their different behaviours. You also learn how to overcome negative emotional effects of physical illness, abuse, joblessness, disappointments, abandonment, betrayal, addiction, hurt, and loss.

Acceptance helps you live happier and peaceful.

Once you learn to accept whatever had happened instead of constantly fighting the change, you will equally discover that you will be happier and peaceful. As you learn to accept you’ll be eager to laugh. For example, if somebody makes you crazy you’ll see the humour in his or her actions. Once you begin to see the humour in life, you’ll feel better inside. When you learn to change to better you, others might follow. Good conduct has proven far more effective than words to promote others to change. It is very easy to influence people’s conduct or behaviour from our own conduct or behaviour. Gradually, they like the way you speak and want to speak like that. They see you sit upright and not slouching, they want to be seen sitting like that because you influenced them. They read books because you showed that it is good to do so, etc.

Acceptance is a training ground for action. When you accept your current circumstances and stop focusing on what you don’t like or what isn’t working, you clear your mind to receive intuitive messages that will lead you to positive actions. You then have a clear mind to capture the right thoughts, ideas, and inspirations to progress in your pursuit to become the better you and make the most of your current circumstances. Also, it is said that as you grow you’ll feel a fresh hunger, and that hunger will guide you to discover fresh ways to better you. In time as you begin to feel better, you will see a need to exercise, eat correctly, and hang out with positive influences and so on. Once you feel this hunger, you’ll feel inspired to labour to accomplish your goals, to become a better person, to lead a better life, and of course to positively influence and impact other people’s life.


Let the words of Arthur Rubinstein always be a reminder to us all. He said, “Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.”


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